Top 5 Wednesday: Books that would make great video games

Happy Wednesday everyone, and here is another Top 5 Wednesday and the topic is,

April 12th: Books That Would Make Good Video Games
–Since I’ve been in video game hell (in a good way) for the past year, this topic is timely. Remember, not all video games are action games! The Sims has proven that 🙂

Top 5 Wednesday is a group in Goodreads and was formerly created by Lainey at gingerreadslainey and is now done by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes. It is open to everyone.

As a gamer, of course I would love the topic and it mixes my two loves books and video games.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Okay, I know there have been video games made of the Harry Potter movies, but those games are terrible. My idea would be an RPG set in Hogwarts in which you are a student, get sorted into a house and take classes. I also want to see it as an open-world sort of like Skyrim.

Illuminae series

As a fan of the Mass Effect trilogy, I think a good space based game could work with the Illuminae setting. I could have choices that could effect the way you play the game. It could also have a few good RPG elements.

Six of Crows duology

This will most likely be one of the Tell-Tale Games, or something along the line of Until Dawn in which it is sort of like a choose your own adventure game. You could as all six of characters and the game would tailor to each character.

Percy Jackson series

Basically I want this to be like God of War, with powers. If you played God of War you would know what I am talking about. It would also be fun to play through the Percy Jackson series.

Legend trilogy

This would be like Uncharted meets Mass Effect. Full of platforming, RPG elements. You play as both June and Day, and it would switch between the characters, which would play differently.

Those are the books that would make great video games. What books do you think would make great games? Let me know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Books that would make great video games

    • Harry Potter would be a great video game series, and not like the movie tie-in but something like Skyrim, with an open-world RPG. I just want to play it just thinking about it.


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