Top 5 Wednesday: Series that got worse with each book/season

Happy Wednesday everyone, and here is another Top 5 Wednesday and the topic is:

December 14th – Series That Got Worse with Each Book/Season
I opened this topic up to TV as well (which T5W is always open to by the way if you can’t think of book answers), but I think this topic is especially good for books and TV. What series started out strong but got increasingly worse with each book?

This will be be tricky because it was very hard to come up or really think about series that got worse with each book, but I am thankful that it included TV shows as well.

Top 5 Wednesday is a group in Goodreads and was formerly created by Lainey at gingerreadslainey and is now done by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes. It is open to everyone.


The Divergent series by Veronica Roth

This is a case of it should have been a duology because while Divergent and Insurgent both had a unique arc and even the ending of Insurgent tied some loose ends and could have been a satisfying conclusion. Allegiant just had the series go in a completely opposite direction that I was hoping for and it really cheapened the series. I also kinda feel bad that the movies will be finished in a form of a made for TV movie.

The Maze Runner trilogy by James Dashner

Okay, this is a series that I actually really like and despite some of the problems I did enjoy reading the books. But the problems I had were mainly with the plot and story, while I did enjoy the characters and loved how they interacted I felt that the story was trying to be like Lost and it started having more questions than answers. I heard that some of the questions get answered in a prequel, and I may pick it up sometime, but I think a series shouldn’t need a prequel in order to answer the questions raised in the series.

The Darkest Minds by: Alexandra Bracken

While I also really like the series, I feel that the last two books are not up to the quality of the first book. I also feel that the third book had a very anti climatic ending which is disappointing because of the build up that the books lead to.

TV shows:

The Walking Dead

This one is a controversial pick but I felt that the series is getting very repetitive as the seasons went on. While the season premiere kept us on the edge of your seats, I feel that for every great episode there are several boring episodes.

American Horror Story

While this is an anthology series, the first two seasons were great TV and delivered the horror and the scares. But once Coven started it was clear that it was going down hill. Freak Show was wasted potential and I am currently watching Hotel and it is good so far but it is no where near up to the quality of Murder House and Asylum.

Those are books that I felt went downhill. Which books/series do you feel went downhill? Let me know in the comments below!

18 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Series that got worse with each book/season

  1. Great Top 5 Darnell! LOl at the Divergent series…I stopped after Insurgent & to this day have not read Allegiant and don’t know how it ended *shrugs shoulders* so I agree, should’ve been a duology. I LOVE the Maze Runner movies but never bothered with the books after reading so many negative reviews. I am in agreement with you on TWD…this season has been a snooze fest! omg smh when it returns it needs to win me back or lose me for good lol 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sad to see divergent on here. I obviously was upset with the ending and I belive it wasn’t needed but besides that its one of my fav series.
    I agree with the maze runner it went downhill with the second half of the death cure

    Liked by 1 person

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